Bath Autism and NeuroDiversity spectrums (BANDs) CIC

As featured on the ITV West Country News at 6pm, Friday 11th November 2022

Welcome to the BANDs website

"No problem too big, no achievement too small", "Different spectrums, same aims"

BANDs run social opportunities meetings for over 18s who identify on the autism, Asperger syndrome and similar spectrums, including (but not limited to) AD(H)D, Non-Verbal Learning Disorder, dyslexia, dyspraxia, social anxiety, dyscalculia, Bipolar, Borderline Personality disorder, Emotionally Unstable Personality Disorder, OCD and schizophrenia. Participants may attend the group regardless of a diagnosis. Anyone who identifies as having something similar to these conditions will be considered for inclusion on a case-by-case basis. Even most of the facilitators are neurodivergent.

BANDs aims to provide a safe and welcoming environment for people, especially those without social opportunities which encourage peer-to-peer networking and developing and maintaining shared interests (Mazurek, 2013). The groups include a cinema group, café group and pub group (including the Christmas meal). The CEO is on hand to clarify and implement the guidelines of the groups (NAS, 2003).

BANDs encourages anyone regardless of location to attend. To encourage independent travel by potential members (Walton and Ingersoll, 2013) on public transport, videos including directions can be sent to you on request. We can also help with public transport route planning on request.

Attendees to the groups have to pay for any activities they participate in: the drinks, snacks, meals, cinema tickets, venue hire, transport to and from the groups.

BANDs are seeking funding to pay volunteers' travel expenses to and from the groups, and are also hoping to hire a quieter location to create a self-advocacy group. This could enable people who experience sensory overload (Rohit, 2013), who prefer a more private venue first before transitioning towards the groups to attend.

Mazurek. M. (2014) Loneliness, friendship, and well-being in adults with autism spectrum disorders. Psychology, Developmental. 18(3), pp 223-232. [Accessed by CEO 6 February 2016].

National Autistic Society (2003) Guidelines for facilitators of social groups for people with autistic spectrum disorders National Autistic Society London: United Kingdom.

Rohit. S. (2013) Sensory processing in people with Asperger syndrome. Learning Disability Practice. 16(2) pp. 22-27. [Accessed by CEO 7 February 2016].

Walton. K. and Ingersoll. B. (2013) Improving Social Skills in Adolescents and Adults with Autism and Severe to Profound Intellectual Disability: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 43(3) pp 594-615. [Accessed by CEO 7 February 2016].

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