What's Expected of Me?

Before you receive specific details of when and where our events run, you must confirm in writing, Facebook messenger, text message and/or email that our guidance of the groups which is listed below makes sense to you. This includes as and when they are updated (normally once a year). We also have to follow the COVID regulations (also listed below) All guidance is approved by an independent peer advocacy group.

BANDs (Bath Autism and NeuroDiversity spectrums) CIC Guidance (as of January 2025)

All attendees to BANDs are expected to follow the following guidance so they can attend.

  1. Have or consider themselves to have autism, Asperger syndrome and/or similar neurodiversities, including (but not limited to) AD(H)D, Non-Verbal Learning Disorder, dyslexia, dyspraxia, social anxiety, dyscalculia, OCD, Bipolar Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Tourette's syndrome and schizophrenia. People may attend regardless of diagnosis, provided the facilitators and members feel safe around them. If the facilitators feel that members also feel unsafe around you, then your membership of BANDs would require having a parent or carer or support worker attending with you so you could continue attending the groups. This is so everyone has the opportunity to experience a relaxed atmosphere at BANDs. We are not a relationship agency. Do not join if your sole intention is to find a partner or to date other members. Please note we are a friendship group.

  2. The groups (board gaming, café, pub, quiz night, cinema, theatre, skittles, ten pin bowling, Karaoke, Xmas events) organised by BANDs are open to anyone over the age of 16. Please keep swearing to a minimum when 16-18 year olds are in attendance. If you wish to bring a child with you, please note they remain your responsibility at all times until they are aged 18. Anyone under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a responsible adult at all times.

  3. BANDs is against all forms of discrimination (and bullying or teasing), including (but not limited to) homophobia, transphobia, ableism, ageism, sexism, misogyny, misandry and racism. Derogatory comparisons with other disabilities, identities or level of disability will not be tolerated. Anyone who repeatedly displays any of these behaviours will be temporarily or permanently removed from the group (including the Facebook group).

  4. If you know of someone who is interested in BANDs, ask them to contact Alfie on bathfiltonbands@gmail.com or 07905345591 (please leave a message or text during the day if you cannot get hold of Alfie). The times, dates and locations will only be given out by Alfie to keep the group safe and prevent more than three new members arriving at each separate group, minimising unexpected events and keeps the group as relaxed and safe a space as possible.

  5. Text and email reminders are normally sent out a few days before the groups meet. If you wish to receive these and you avoid repetitive texting (or instant messaging), please let 'Alfie', (the Lead facilitator), know. It would greatly help Alfie if you let him know at least two days in advance regarding your attendance (Alfie will contact those that indicate 'maybe' on the day to ask again). On the rare occasions where less than three members indicate their attendance, groups cannot run for that session. When this happens you will be informed of this change via text message.

  6. If you wish to see a particular film at the BANDs at Frome (FANS) cinema group, please let Alfie know, preferably a few days before you wish to go. An email or text will be sent out to others in the group to give every member the opportunity to join.

  7. It is advisable to book your cinema tickets if going during December please feel free to ask anyone else attending the groups if they wish to join you, all groups (except Bath or Cardiff) have an optional cinema meet. The Diverse UK organisation also runs cinema groups in Bristol or Bath, please see their website for details (their guidance is slightly different to BANDs CIC), https://www.diverseuk.org/events/

  8. Christmas meal orders must be placed and paid for at least one week before the relevant December groups. This can be done in person, via bank transfer or PayPal to bathfiltonbands@gmail.com . These are non refundable unless the venue refunds you for another reason. Paying in advance will minimise the chances of an unexpected event of your meal not being available on the day. You are welcome to attend and decide on the night but menu choices are likely to be limited. Please use “your name and initials” as a reference when sending money via bank transfer eg “AlfiePG” so BANDs knows you have paid. Our Christmas meal venues are decided at the October groups.

  9. A facilitator will only step in to resolve a situation if someone asks for their help or the situation appears one sided and/or upsetting or distressing to other people (including the general public where relevant). This may require members to bring a parent, carer or support worker with them to future groups which the facilitators will decide. Your membership of BANDs would require to bring a parent or carer or support worker to continue attending the groups (until further notice). This is so everyone has the opportunity to experience a relaxed and supportive atmosphere whilst attending groups organised by BANDs.

PS. This guidance applies whether Alfie (or another facilitator appointed by Alfie) is running the groups. This guidance also applies when you're meeting up with member(s) outside of the groups; or posting on social media. We also have a FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) page which can help give you an idea of what you can expect from BANDs.

BANDs Covid-19 Regulations Updated October 2024

  1. If you have Covid-19 (whether you have symptoms or not), do not attend any BAND's in person events for the next 5 days, then make sure you get a negative Covid test.

  2. If you have been in close contact (around 1.5 meters) with anyone whose suspected of having Covid then do not attend any in person BANDs events for the next 5 days, then make sure you get Covid tested, if this test is negative you are welcome to attend BANDs.

  3. If you have been in close contact (around 1.5 meters) with anyone who has Covid-19 then do not attend any in person BANDs events for the next 5 days, then make sure you get Covid tested, if this test is negative you are welcome to attend BANDs.

  4. If you need to tell anyone that you've had close contact (around 1.5 meters) due to any of the above situations, do so only via phone call, text message, email or messenger (unless you live with them).

  5. If you find out after being at a BANDs event that any of sections 1-4 apply to you then

  6.  tell Alfie immediately via bathfiltonbands@gmail.com or telephone or Facebook messenger or text message. Alfie has a list of who attends which events and will let BANDs members know without telling them your name as is required by law.

  7. If you need any of these regulations explained at any time, then please email, text or Facebook messenger Alfie who will then get back to you as soon as is practical for him.

  8. Alfie Green and his co facilitators have to oversee these regulations and will review the situation according the latest scientific research.

  9. If Alfie (and or another facilitator appointed by Alfie) believes you are infected with Covid-19 (and or any of the criterion listed above apply), he will have no option but to send you home. He will get the venue staff to remove you from the building if necessary. You will still be liable for any money you have spent that night at that venue.

PS. These regulations also apply even if you meet up with any BANDs members outside of the groups.

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For more details of what to expect from BANDs please refer to our FAQ page on https://bands-cic.co.uk/faqs/